Gift Card - Sandbanks

Gift Card

Give the gift of Sustainable Luxury with a Sandbanks Virtual Gift card.   Sandbanks Virtual...
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Title: £25.00 GBP

Gift Card - Sandbanks

Gift Card


Gift Card

Title: £25.00 GBP

Give the gift of Sustainable Luxury with a Sandbanks Virtual Gift card.


Sandbanks Virtual Gift cards are delivered by email and contain instructions to redeem them at checkout. Our gift cards have no additional processing fees. Sandbanks Virtual Gift Cards are valid to use in full or part payment for goods purchased. The use of multiple Virtual Gift Cards for a single purchase is accepted but will be subject to the same restrictions as those applicable to payments made in cash. The Gift Card will expire and any remaining balance will reduce to nil if it is not used within a 24-month period. Virtual Gift Cards cannot be exchanged for cash or for credit and may not be purchased with a discount.  For more information, please read our full Terms of Sales

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